Objectives of Blog

This is a record of the thoughs and visions I had when writing this blog post. This includes why I wrote it and what I aspire it to be as well as planned discussion topics. With this I strive to be clear, upfront and grounded.

I want this blog to be...

I am writing this blog to…

  • document problems Although there is a plethora of support in terms of stackoverflow questions blogs and articles about text and even the archwiki. Often I found problems difficult to explain.
  • help others I want others not to have to struggle as I have had with the problems I have encountered. I have often had the experience where I have scowered the web for trying to figure out a difficult problem.
  • help myself I have moments when I forget exactly what I did or how I did it and in those moments I would like an account of how I did something.
  • document how to teach yourself I want to show the process of how I think about problems and how I go about devising solutions to them and learning about them. And how I go about figuring them out without a teacher or mentor or boss telling me what to do.
  • be a resume I want this to serve a repository for my work. In my past I have been notoriously bad at saving my work and reusing it and really advertising myself.

I am writing about…

  • Manifestation of various things
  • Emacs adventures
  • Archlinux gotchas
  • Cooking from nothing
  • Math from nothing
  • Improving willpower
  • Buddhist Philosophy
  • And more…